Adding Coupons at Checkout
Send Coupons directly to Stripe Checkout with PriceWell
You can send coupons directly to the Checkout using PriceWell. This means your customers don’t have to enter a coupon code.
Applying a Coupon
Your Pricing Page snippet will look something like the following
<div id="pricewell-a506c336-a866-430b-99b3-347fba5b78f4"></div><script src="http://localhost:3200/a506c336-a866-430b-99b3-347fba5b78f4/pricewell.js" async=""></script>
You simply need to add an attribute data-coupon="COUPON_ID"
to the div element and replace COUPON_Id with yourcoupon id from Stripe. Note: The coupon must be created in the same Stripe environment (test or live) as your Pricing Page.\
The updated snippet should look like this:
<div id="pricewell-a506c336-a866-430b-99b3-347fba5b78f4" data-coupon="COUPON_ID"></div><script src="http://localhost:3200/a506c336-a866-430b-99b3-347fba5b78f4/pricewell.js" async=""></script>
Allowing customers to enter coupons\
If you would like to let your customers enter their own coupons, this can be enabled in PriceWell under “Advanced Settings” -> “Enable coupons”
It’s not possible to apply a promotion code AND allow customers to add their own codes during checkout. If you supply a promotion code, customers will not be able to add their own even if you have the option active in PriceWell.