

Integrate Rewardful with PriceWell

Rewardful and PriceWell logos with a plus sign between

In the following article, we are going to explain how to set up your Rewardful affiliate program with PriceWell.

We’ll go through:

  • Configuring PriceWell with your Rewardful API key
  • Installing the Rewardful snippet on your website
  • Configuring PriceWell to send affiliate data to Rewardful

Configuring PriceWell with your Rewardful API key

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to create a Rewardful account. You can do that here.

Once you have configured your affiliate campaign, you need to copy your Rewardful API key. Your API Secret can be found on the Company Settings page in Rewardful.

⚠️ Keep your API key safe. Never share it over email or chat

Once you have copied your API key, head to PriceWell and click on the Integrations tab. Then click on the Rewardful Integration.

Rewardful card in PriceWell

Paste your Rewardful API key into the API Key field and click Save.

Rewardful API key in PriceWell

Installing the Rewardful snippet on your website

Installing the Rewardful snippet is different for each website builder. You can find instructions for your website builder over at Rewardful’s Help Center.

Configuring PriceWell to send affiliate data to Rewardful

PriceWell will automatically send affiliate data to Rewardful when a customer purchases a subscription as long as you have followed the instructions above to install the Rewardful snippet on your website. We also support adding a coupon code (known as double-side incentives in Rewardful) to the affiliate link. So your customers can get a discount and your affiliates can get a commission.
